Property Management Features for Vacation Rentals

Reservation Manager
Manage all your quotes and bookings in a single place. Effortlessly check booking and payment statuses. Our Reservation Manager is your Mission Control and our Integrated Architecture integrates all your business work-flows in surprisingly powerful ways.
Payment Manager
Icons and reports keep an eye on all payments. Automated messages and reminders help you and your guests stay on top of when and how much needs to be paid. For complete payment gateway integration, including an automated way to handle scheduled payments and set holds, check out our Advanced Payments bolt-on.

Advanced Payment Management
Automate payment tracking, manage auto-debiting for follow-up payments, and directly handle holds and refunds from your 365Villas account, supporting Stripe,, First Atlantic, and WorldPay gateways.
Inquiry Management
Handle even complex inquiries in a few seconds with detailed quotes, custom agreements and personalized emails.

Rental Agreements
Generate professional rental agreements without the effort. Our system creates and updates them for you, whenever there’s a change in a booking.
Housekeeping & Maintenance
Set up custom login profiles for your housekeeping, maintenance, and check-in teams. Control their access, allocate properties, and ensure they receive automatic email alerts about their upcoming, scheduled, or changed assignments.

Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic Pricing includes two features to boost revenue: Lead-Time Pricing automatically offers increasing discounts as the time to fill your properties decreases. Gap-Date Pricing opens up dates that fall below your minimum stay requirements when they’re between two bookings.